To All the Seafarers and oil workers out on the water this Year Stay Safe.
Welcome All Campers and visitors!
Hope your 4th of July is a Safe and Enjoyable.
Shady Ridge started off slow this year, though those who have come out and played have given great reviews to us and we are Thankful! I really enjoy showing and playing rounds with the different players and asking for their opinions and suggestions.
BUGS! Bring Bug Spray cause the fly’s are really bad this year.
3 New Leagues Will Start July 15,16, and 17th 2024
Monday Night Mixed 9
Beginners, this is great for you! Come out and play 9 holes on the Quick 9 Layout. Play 1-7 then 17 and 18. Start off on Hole 1 Drop zone Pad. Then play through. Great way to come out , play the short challenging holes with 2 par 4s in this line up.
Tuesday Nights is DUBS
- Random Dubs
- $15 per person
- includes Ace, Low Round, and prize pool.
Wednesday League of Legends
Think you got what it takes to take down the nightly pot?
$15 per person includes all Prize pools and Green Fees.
- All Leagues meet in front lot starting at 430 pm for registration with first card going out at 5 pm
- The website has been getting updated.
- Check out new tabs and active pages on the ShadyRidgeDiscGolf.com.
- Construction on the property starts back up Mid July.
- Course work will be daily but not affecting play.
- As Well as Property improvements.
- The Trailer, will be moved to the front Lot and will be the new Club House / Pro Shop to open hopefully for the Grand Opening if not by November.
Got Questions or want to learn how to play disc golf? Call Kevin AKA ‘”The Shady Hermit” and I will be glad to play a round with you, showing you how to throw and what each disc can do. Club House Number: 207-517-7824, email ShadyRidge@pm.me
See you out on the Course!
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